Local SEO - Expectations vs Reality

Local SEO – Expectations vs Reality


By now, most business owners know how important search engine optimization is to strengthen their online presence. Simply put, SEO is the process of increasing the online visibility of a website in the search engine results pages and generating traffic.

Startups and local businesses need local SEO more since they should penetrate their niche market to grow their business. According to the experts, SEO is vital for businesses because 92% of web searchers usually pick the business that would appear on the first page of the local search engine results, and 70% of these searchers will most likely approach the company within 24 hours. 

Imagine what it can do for your business if you are doing your local SEO right. Maybe you are already in the first steps of hiring an agency for local SEO services. But without a proper understanding of what SEO is, it is common for local businesses like you to have high unrealistic expectations or misconceptions about how it can bring dramatic results to your website. 

In this article, we will debunk some of these myths and misconceptions about local SEO and lay down the realities. We hope that this will help you gain insights on how you can work with your local SEO services firm on building a strategy that fits your business.

Let us put aside those quixotic expectations now.

Expectation #1: Local SEO is all about filling the content with keywords related to your location

Reality: This is an outdated concept about SEO, and using this technique can even bury your website in the dark abyss of Google search pages. Not to mention the possibility of getting penalties. Legit SEO firms know that Google frequently updates its search algorithm. This move is done to make sure of the quality of content the websites are posting. This, in turn, determines the website’s ranking.

There is no standard ratio of how keywords should be in the content. Experts say that it should be between 1 to 3 per cent. By keeping the keywords in your content at a bare minimum, you can rank at Google safely and effectively.

Expectation #2: Internal linking is not effective in Local SEO

Reality: Some people may see interlinking as a total waste of time. They argue that the whole point of implementing an SEO campaign is to build external backlinks. This concept is untrue. Internal linking can direct the user to the right website pages. Aside from this, it can also guide the search engine callers of Google to understand your content better using the text on your internal link.

Expectation #3: Local SEO is a one-time process

Reality: Performing a local SEO campaign is not a one-off thing that most businesses think. It is a long-term commitment. You need to constantly update yourself on the latest developments in SEO, particularly the changes in algorithms implemented by the search engines. Otherwise, you will be left behind in the ranking. With these regularly implemented changes, your website should be able to hold on to your ranking. Your content should keep up with the changes and updates by keeping them optimised.

Local SEO services will ensure that your website is keeping up with these changes through continuous evaluation and updating content to maintain your ranking.

Expectation #4  Local SEO implementation will guarantee a first-page ranking

Reality: SEO is not a magic powder that could miraculously turn your website around. It does not guarantee a first page ranking for your website. Even using the tried and tested SEO strategies will not give you that elusive first-page ranking. 

Many factors could affect your ranking, including the use of competitive keywords and the already crowded industry. All these can make ranking on the first page a challenge. Local SEO experts will tell you that it is best to adjust your goals and expectations and concentrate on less competition in the beginning and sustain them with SEO efforts.

Expectation #5: Increase in website traffic automatically translates to an increase in sales

Reality: Even though you have implemented a successful SEO strategy, it doesn’t mean that it could immediately increase sales. While a local SEO can increase the organic traffic to your website, it is up to you to nurture and convert the new traffic into leads and eventually, sales. 

Expectation #6: Local SEO results are fast

Reality: Local SEO will take time to see the results. It does not happen overnight, and there is no specific timeline for when you will land on the first page of the search engine results. Like what we have said, there are many factors needed in optimization. And it can also depend on the competition in your specific niche. There could be some visible results after two months, but this is not guaranteed.


Local SEO is a great tool to help your business grow. But it is not an exact science where for every action there is an equal reaction. You must know that SEO is not that simple, and you must consider it as a long-term investment instead of a one-time solution.

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